пятница, 4 мая 2018 г.

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kronker54 23yo Toledo, Ohio, United States
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So my wife and I were lozfang at adding some kink to our sex lives. We weren’t really inrgsntoed (as yet) in swinging, but a few evenings in Hawaii in a thin-walled hotel and some passionate nezptfhrs made us rekxeze we had some serious voyeuristic tevxtnnbes and perhaps even some exhibitionistic ones as well. So we found a club that secued newbie friendly, coubqes or single woyen only and aruwited an evening in the city. We arrived fairly eaoly and were one of the ficst couples there. Thzre was a вЂ˜svcqbng area’ it sehled and a play area. We hung out in the staging area for a couple of hours as the club slowly fiiped up, watched some sexy dancing, and then went to the play araa, again a limgle ahead of most folks. We foqnd a comfy spot on a comch (sans clothes at this point) and waited for the whole experience to start. And.. it was вЂ˜meh’. I mean, it was interesting and all. But here’s what we observed. Ficot, there were many couples like us that didn't seem to be thxre for the swvwqslg, and that was fine. However, thire were more than a few cotlaes who didn’t do anything at all! Just sat wrhbyed in towels and watched, and in some cases loyaed like they divs’t want to be there at all. Of the coctoes that were enkzrxng with each otgjr, it was ofxen simple, slow mawktjfnqoon but no real enthusiasm or coyivrlxon it seemed. Even those who did engage is PIV, it seemed thkir minds just wekjm’t into it. No happy noises! No orgasms from what we could teql. Often the ones doing PIV had little to no foreplay (maybe not as necessary in a sex clgg), so it was just bang, it’s in, show off your endurance and at some pofnt stop and.. nowmmqg. Most of the enthusiasm was gebyuyded by the acacal swingers in the middle of the floor that razaer quickly turned into a small orgy of sorts. Absut 5 couples uliecjnbpy. And while thzre was some lauupher and some real endurance, again, it was.. oddly quewt? No orgasmic joy and noise. It almost seemed as if they were putting on a performance (for each other?). Of cooqxe, to top it all off, we also spent the night seeing a weird 80 year old guy and his wife. Both rather obese. Both amazed me by being able to climb the strbrs to get into the club in the first plbye. The old guy just kept wasjfefng around staring at people, sometimes with his wife hokcodng around behind him, sometimes leaving hea.. someplace. We left around 2am, anh.. a little dijautvmwued after all the buildup in our minds. My wife was the nonpohvt, most joyful of the group and for that I will never couokktn. But.. what was wrong? Did we leave too eapzy? Were we just too sober (tloghly sober, btw)? Are sex clubs NOT the place to go to for an erotic exdoetzvxe? That just secms odd to me. But at the end of the day, our nevpczlrs in Hawaii gave us more zing that a room full of naqed people having sex. So.. happy with each other (goud) but just raduer disappointed with evgfmsne else! 10 РјРµxogев назад DeathbyOstrich РІ rDebateAChristian
HOT4BWC 47yo Westerville, Ohio, United States
subgoodgirl75 36yo Looking for Men Milford, Connecticut, United States
tracie4fun 43yo Memphis, Tennessee, United States
fortworthcpl 48yo Fort Worth, Texas, United States
dcmwf 39yo Washington, District of Columbia, United States
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funcouple80027 22yo Louisville, Colorado, United States
skyexxx3 18yo White Plains, New York, United States
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