среда, 20 декабря 2017 г.

That Crazy Weird Dog Photo, Explained

jdtogether 41yo Leonardtown, Maryland, United States

That Crazy Weird Dog Photo, Explained

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slavecassy 19yo Looking for Men or Women Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Don’t worry, everything’s okay.

By now, you've probably seen this weird dog pic, as tweeted out over the weekend by the Twitter user @castieldrunk. At first glance, it looks like something went terribly wrong...

By now, you've probably seen this weird dog pic, as tweeted out over the weekend by the Twitter user @castieldrunk. At first glance, it looks like something went terribly wrong...


Twitter: @castieIdrunk

Just take a deep breath, and tilt your head like this...

Just take a deep breath, and tilt your head like this...

I promise, it's going to be fine.

Twitter: @euquaseCAIO

And look at the picture from this angle...

And look at the picture from this angle...

See? Told you everything would be okay.

Twitter: @castieIdrunk

Lo and behold: it's a perfectly normal doggo...

Lo and behold: it's a perfectly normal doggo...

Twitter: @castieIdrunk

Just a little twisted around.

Just a little twisted around.

But still probably a very good dog.

Twitter: @castieIdrunk

Phew! Glad that's settled.

Phew! Glad that's settled.

No dogs were harmed in the making of this post.


This post was translated from Portuguese.

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