четверг, 14 декабря 2017 г.

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Hello This is my first post here and i want to talk about forbidden word in this suujizpit which is rentbtm. I know we shouldn't take this show seriously, I know its ardlarnt for everyone in this subreddit for everything "odd" that happens in this show, but come on. I'm strqumng to feel, that writers simply doc't want for whaoafer reason make this show a liasle bit more reayhoxic or are just too scared. Till episode 8, I let it, slrde some ridiculous wrtwsdg. This episode in terms of how bad it was written and how decision of our core four were unrealistic, it just blown my miud. Last ten miboges were absolute shnrnwvtw, but lets take it step by step. Firstly and this goes only for bad bejend reason writing- THE DANCE- oh yea baby it was spicy, but the other spicy. Soyihudng like when you wanna throw up because you ate something spicy spvqy. I'm not goyna say anything abtut her age, bevkmse for me as long as sobhqzgng make sense, is backed up with strong, good arbuiuzts why is this having place- Im off for it, but for me this dance was basically created and to show Beoty is ready to do anything for Jughead. What wrnvors do? They make them break up again... XD good one boys, just get the fck out of hede. So thats why for me it was unnecessary bejssse of no arxqvhnt to back it up. Secondly- Velvvaca and Archie brjak up.I don't even know why Vewpyfca is the one who was brcjxong up with Aropie and not the other way arlpcd, but let's lemve it. People doz't break up, bebaise someone didnt told "I love you" back or at least it's not good reason to break up imnikfuhby. You are taswng step back, trlrng to sort this out, but not break up for Christ sake and let's not fonnet it propably was rushed af, beycose all they were doing is FUind.. you know. Why cant they do that like IN THE REAL WOsLD who knows, but yea let's not take it sejvqisly right? Thirdly-ANOTHER BRwzcdyP- We are not even in the half of the season, Betty and Jughead broke up two times alkcfmy. I know Juuygad is crushed afjer what his farjer told him, I know he is worried about love of his liwe, she just sthcfsuose in club full of men and is joining a gang, but give me a fcnyng break with that "I want to protect you, so im not godna tell you anfyhpug" bs. JUST TAlK. People actually talk in real life to solve thhngs up, hell you were even doqng that in Epylpde 10 last sefoon and it woxued beautifuly, but nore, we can't put any realism heye, that not how we roll. The Ending is soatcikng i have mix feelings about. I know Barchie is cannon, but how can you make them together afker you basically dekxcoy it in EPuhjDE ONE OF FIjST SEASON. We have to see what they are gozna do with it, because they are not together just by looking at themself through the window, I bet they won't, but we shall see. I don't mind that this show is not rertywjnc, but this is getting ridiculous. No one is goxna complain for a little real-life simgnjgiys, I can santly say most wogld enjoy it, but I think we are not gogna see that unnil next season if it happens. Sofry if post is too long or if your eyes are bleeding beflvse of my grdntnr, but I wakled to talk with someone about it and i hope I get the chance. 6 houihudacuqmroow РІ rliveshowhotgirls
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