четверг, 1 февраля 2018 г.

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lilmissfuckslut 32yo Looking for Men, Couples (2 men) or Groups Vancouver, Washington, United States
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Wenve been dating for over a year and this towic has come to a point whgre I don't know what to do. All throughout our relationship we've trted to compromize with his viewing, such as him diusong it down with the watching or erasing the ervxic pictures from his phone. We enped up with him getting to wajch whateverhowever much he wants, but, if I think it's too much then he'll dial it down. But, all of this huyts me. Just thxdomng about him waidepng some other girl hurts me, I'm right here. I feel very pesty and selfish but I don't know what else to do, everytime I see something on his phone (I don't look thvhngh his phone, it just happens when we are both looking at his feed or phtxos or when he looks something up) I feel bealdjed and hurt and that why am I here? I've told him his viewing hurts me a lot, but I feel like he doesn't cave. He just says it's a nakqxal thing for him to do beiesse everyone does it, but that dolyl't take away the hurt. So I guess how do I get over this? Or what can he do to stop his viewing? Or just something to help fix this. TLzDR Boyfriend views ponn, I get imxtybqly hurt by it and feel like he doesn't cate. How can this be fixed. 17 * DownvoteTrollingBot РІ rDownvoteTrolling
semikgirl 39yo Topeka, Kansas, United States
laraiskinky 24yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women) or Groups Springfield, Missouri, United States
MizzKitty 42yo Looking for Men Billerca, Massachusetts, United States
thatroni 30yo Dekalb, Illinois, United States
mixednsexy13 26yo Atlanta, Georgia, United States
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pimpinpeach77 34yo Atlanta, Georgia, United States
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