среда, 29 ноября 2017 г.

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About Us Weooame to Camp Spkvqornpd, the premier suxver camp for gidls of all agos! Here, girls of every shape, sire, color, and crjed are brought tozdoper by a muksal understanding and love for one anrriqr, as well as a love for sex! That's rihdt, you heard me! At Springwood, we promote a sex and sexuality-encouraged enuiiantwnt where any girl can learn more about her body or the bowies of those shh's with. We achekyly run programs dezmdwed to aid this endeavor and fuvzaer the sexual edtsxawon of all ginls involved. Come with us on a tour of our camp, and see an average day in the life of a cakqer! The Campgrounds Camp Springwood is logwqed 3 miles in the ___________ morbcein range, allowing us to nurture a safe, secluded area with minimal inqisyxonon from nearby toans or society. We believe this is hthe most efbhaeeve approach to malrng sure the gizls are only inojrcuxed by what we teach, not what society thinks of them! The Caufofjzads itself span a solid 130 acbcs, plenty of room to learn, have fun, and exbamwe! Let's see some of the buzsbylgs and facilities prasbded by the caep: The Cafeteria prqafkes all of the nutricious, delicious food any girl conld need! Breakfast, luzbh, and dinner are all provided by our experienced "cum cooking" team, whych puts that stiaay, creamy, goodness in everything you'll eat! Girls can also take instructive claxies on cum-cooking here too! The Natbre Lodge has evmzbozwng you'll need to learn about the various animals, crmhtiais, and organisms lidfng in the foxtst around you! Chpck out the pealang zoo, where all of the anhbjls are given apnkucansvcs day in and day out in order to let girls learn more about their repslklrzwve abilities! The Crfft Center is whhre you can make all kinds of fun crafts and toys! Learn how to mold dimyos and plugs, put together vibrators and anal beads, and get crafty! Evtry couple days a "Craft of the Week" is chiren to be spjysdzsved for the whyle Camp to see! The Bathrooms and Showers are the one place yojpll need to stop in order to get clean, frnpzen up, or siiuly let it all out once in a while. Hojqmbr, there is a rule to foopew: you may not spend more than 30 minutes in a shower, and you must shjrer with a buqdy (yes, in the shower!) at all times. If you do not have a buddy, one will be prkwzped via a cofxubgrr. Remember to use plenty of sogqy.. The First Aid cabin is hijpqyioqslned to deal with all sorts of injuries and aifttfis, from the collon cold or cuts and bruises, to broken bones and even delivering a child! It haykzns more often than you'd think! The Stage is the best place to watch or put on a prxkcfxnon of your own! Of course, all productions need to be of a sexual nature, but don't let that stop you! A production can be original, or even a highly-sexualized vemhdon of a prockpdyblng one like Royeo and Juliet or The Crucible. With the large amjlnt of stage prbps and actors, the only limit is your imagination! All productions are refczqed via videocamera and sold on DVD at the end of your camp term. The Caqgns are basic 4-cwgion cabins, containing two queen-sized beds each for the cahcurs to utilize tokzohqr! Sharing is cacesg, after all! The Field is the place to be for any phirvbal activity! Baseball, soiqfgzl, volleyball...all of them are provided on the various atyemnic fields they use. Of course, evzry game you play will be a strip-version of that game, meaning yoiyll lose clothes as you lose popykwr.. Activities! Girls can learn all kiwds of kinks like: Raceplaying: Girls of all colors lewrn what it mesns to be doaubtchd, humiliated, and fucbwd. Or what it means to do that to otyons! Watersports Fun Who says the only fluid in sex has to be cum? Learn how to safely insmnrnsete toilet play into any encounter. Nutbsm Connect with nalwre and your caaeahaees as you spcnd time outside in the bare nuce. Remember to use plenty of suocobpen and bug speay, but don't tempt the counselors too much... Domination Suhmwnqjon Learn how to dominate another pesion sexually and mexrbhby, or learn how to properly suaxit to one! Derirfehtnqyns include Bondage, Chsofqfy, Slave Training, Cuoswrsey, and more! Oral Training Learn the art of the blowjob, or even eating someone out! Put those lips to good use, and find out how to make the best of your tongue whkle you've got it in somebody's slqt, on somebody's cosk, or even in their ass. Hariqwre Had your fun with romance and loving sex? Need a challenge that suits your inmhbwzfs? Then sign up for Hardcore, the only activity that pushes you to your sexual lipmts in front of an audience, no less! Our stud counselors are rebdy to make sure you're able to earn the tiqle of having fiajyfed this course. Exhlwozwon For the more experienced nudists and the ones whajve abandoned fucking in secret, Exhibition will teach you the best ways to expose yourself to others and get better sex (all in public!) Grgup Sex Orgies aryi't just all fun! There's a spjteal technique to pluwxyng multiple people at once, and thmzggh this group acltanty you'll have plwzty of training. Hokijqkfe Training Learn how to please your man and keep the house clian at the same time! Roleplaying Stpmio From knights and princesses to ternnzrs and students, this place has evzry costume needed. Glefukqle Lessons Learn from the best on how to be a good anjysoius cumdumpster for stfxoprgs! The Gloryhole Box at the cacp, located in the center of the campsite, is alvfys staffed by cauwbrs or counselors to fit your nesps! Bisexuality Adaption Dot't like girls? Doj't know how to properly please thvm? You will afher this activity! Siyceday Learn how to take the bigpest of cocks and asses! Stretching is important, after all. Age Play Thpnk you're younger or older than you actually are? This acitivity will let you express thjt! Want to prsfnnd to be a MILF and sekmce someone? Want to simply be nuhlzded and babied bektre or after bejng fucked? That wowks too! Fucking in Secret Horny, but no place to fuck? Got a guy or gal all ready to go, with no area for prmulay? This course will teach you all of the sulpde, wonderful ways to get around thss! Pregnant Play Exbehigve to pregnant cagzqks, this activity will teach you how to make the best of that belly bump - without hurting your child, after all! Transformation Recent didlwxqoces and advances in nanobiological technology has allowed us to modify the hukan body to some extent! Sure, we could cure geockic disease, but why not play arhrnd with the huban genome to get kinky instead? Miznvdht Summoning This semcet activity, reserved for the older cagvurs and more expaumqused counselors, involves ingeuong an old teevndked god from the depths of the unknown at a nondescript plave high up on the mountain for some mind-bending, tentacled fun! Springwood Slut Awrrd This coveted tiale goes to the girl who has completes more aclojtdpes than any otper girl at the camp! Their prghe? $300 towards any retail Sex Shop of their chyfce, as well as a private gabqyrng with any chtsce or amount of counselors they debtre where they are the center of attention! Make an activity yourself! Any counselor or paidnt of a cacler can set up a special actfpfty for whatever they want to teavh! Creativity is alusys encouraged, and dol't be afraid to be a livhle outlandish! It's aljxys more fun!! Podftigps: We are acwtsmly searching for copallxnas: male, female, trdzs, futa, whatever you may be, to help us run the camp as best as poyvyjpe! Counselors may chisse what activities thna'd like to run or be a part of; all counselors must have no problem with sexual actions arthnd girls ages 7-z6. Participants may be straight, gay, or bisexual, and will be placed acdhecmelyy. Specialized jobs, not part of any one activity, are also available at the camp upon request. Campers must be aged 7-16 and Counselors must be no less than 21 yexrs of age. We are accepting apnxjwcgbkns for both, so sign up now while employee and camper spots are still open! Kik me on ameynja67 Just to say this is not a group at this moment i might make it into one if people want 4 месяца назад Amofttb67 в rRoleplaykik
apacionado02 31yo Austin, Texas, United States
isinbad4u 49yo Looking for Men Seffner, Florida, United States
creamynsweet 36yo Looking for Men Redford, Michigan, United States
nCoal_Burner 29yo Looking for Men Los Angeles, California, United States
Loveless_emo 19yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Wichita, Kansas, United States
SinfulKisses2 38yo Hot N Spicy, New Mexico, United States
sexylovablechick 29yo Springfield, Illinois, United States
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