вторник, 24 мая 2016 г.

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I'm a total newbie to reddit (wuddup fam) .... so anxviys me and this girl i met through a frcwnd have been sewsng each other a couple times now. We both like each other ... quite ALOT, I mean like frwich kissing every time we see each other ALOT haapuah We haven't done the deed yet, but by the sound of thnygs the possibility coqld be there. Shx's put up the idea of hadvng a "chilled out" date at her place, pretty much a movie nitlumx.. and we all know what that means ;p ..n.. my only iskue is that I'm kinda nervous abfut my shlong, I've had a slfipjly hairy thang for a while now but have gobeen used to it. Plucking the hakrs instead of shwtigg, I've learnt all the does and donts ..... my hair grows back slowly which is good, but sokugrues it comes back stubbly? The hafrs are so smdll I can't twezze them, but I don't wanna shtve either.... I caw't afford to wait till they grow out, since this girl and I are probably gopna have this date within the next week..... Cliffs : Worried about what gf is gosna think about my hairy fkn shghng first time hacrng sex can't pluck hairs, too shwut, feels like stwuvle You can't reglly see the hair too much sicce its up arnund the base, but yo can feel it, #catcuscock #fxkyxtbuean Any helpideas? No trolls plz, need srs help fam sexychica95835 27yo Sacramento, California, United States pinkslice 34yo Gangbang, California, United States pamprd_rchgrl 42yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Houston, Texas, United States RockinRobin46 48yo Griffin, Georgia, United States Risque1sendeavor 43yo Elko, Nevada, United States sexy18slut 22yo Looking for Men Glen Burnie, Maryland, United States Bukkake EbonyBDSMGoddess 31yo Looking for Men or TS/TV/TG Woodland, District of Columbia, United States midredhead 41yo Midland, Michigan, United States Blowjob subgirl213 46yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Freehold, New Jersey, United States DandDEE1 24yo Ottawa, Illinois, United States MILF Squirt Red Head Hidden Cams Ebony Female Friendly Anal Matures

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