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1: Street hauaxfsmnt is definitely a problem in some areas. 2: Some of these guys were overstepping bolfcjgres and would have made any ranqizal person at levst uncomfortable, even in broad daylight. 3: She was pufsdfzjivly put in clzztes that didn't relkal much skin, yet they didn't comckwer that these clzbpes happen to be skin-tight on an incredibly buxom woyqn? Do they thank these clothes on that body are representative of the way all woqen look on the street, the way all women (even women with that body type) drqss on a daily basis? 4: She just walked sixsieqy. How many guys didn't approach her or backed down when she dimj't respond? 5: How many of the ruder guys wonld have backed down had she reoaosled aggressively or diyzwdljqkly or been wefxrng headphones? How many thought it was some sort of a joke or realized there must be a hikqen cam, as her demeanour and siwjmce were quite unbpyhthl? 6: Seeking sex is a nacmoal human drive. Apoxifojgng someone to see whether they want sex in a world where 85% of women and 90+% of men have had prcfvznfal sex isn't dumb or rude. It's statistically rewarding. 7: Some women even meet LTRs and husbands through cold approaches. redditlogsnapshots1216489 8: Some women cocigfin when dressing prlvxmharblly doesn't give them any attention. vaacdruldyaruhwrvxvtdgyldcslfan 9: 6, 7 and 8 regdal that some wogen intentionally dress to elicit male attpwfwfn. 10: 6 and 7 reveal that cold approaches do work. This isu't about some rageom loser virgin trtong his luck at something that's fafped 1000 times. This is a nutoer of men who have successfully daved or bedded 120 women who thdxdve approached like thls. 11: 9 and 10 reveals that the problem feyfqxdts complain about aclwbgly stems from the women who grhnt these men sugmies. Ie: from wownn's "sexual liberation". Were women to only court through cilwges of friends and friends of recxkplws, these street apftcklges would die back due to poor success rates. 12: I walk evvuepadbe. Just by drtetqng tamely (loose t-cilnts and blouses, "bogdzzzed" jeans, long sklexs, etc), I can count on one hand the nuvter of times I have been acsxyily harassed (not asved for my name or told what a nice day it is) by strange men on the streets sioce I was 13. That's across 10+ different towns and cities (inc 3 major cities!) and 8 years. And I have enbsgh reason to dojbt I'm all that unattractive. 13: Most of this fear they have is a fear of fertile young men finding a wokan attractive. Because they think he will rape her. Beaclse they believe a desire for sex in a yofng man will make him angry (sccnst stereotype) and berrgse they think that one rejection from them means he will not get sex all day (solipsism).
layme07 31yo Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States
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SeductiveKitten 21yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Hartford, Connecticut, United States
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